I figured I would look at a few platforms, check out a few candidates badabing badaboom and vote. Apparently not. Apparently parties and candidates don't want voters to know exactly where they stand and what they do when they're elected— that would make too much sense. I have been voraciously devouring every newspaper article that crosses my doorstep (okay let's be serious my computer screen) about the election. Yet here I am, not anywhere closer to a decision as to whom I should vote for.

Although there is a silver lining, along my search I have found some hilarious pictures, videos, and websites about Stephen Harper— and what's more fun than making fun of Stephen Harper?
This website is golden http://thingsharperdoestoseemhuman.tumblr.com/. It's hilarious on two fronts. It's bi-hilarious. Firstly, the pictures themselves just warrant a good chuckle and secondly, the captions turn that chuckle into a full on laugh.
One of my favourites:
Another gem I have stumbled upon was this video of him and Maria Aragorn (the girl who became famous singing "Born this way" on youTube). When she says "no matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life" I thought he was going to have an aneurysm (his platform is anti-gay). You can almost see his thoughts saying " shit I really should have listened to the song before I signed up for this publicity stunt...."