Monday, September 26, 2011

Change is afoot

January 1st has never been the time I make resolutions and set goals. September is the time I associate with new beginnings. Back to school, the transition to autumn (my favourite season), and the return of my favourite TV shows all trigger my impulse to make resolutions. I can't help it— it's a reflex. Even after I graduate from school, I think I will always reach for the "Academic" day planner over the "annual" planner at Chapters. September is my new year. I should count down on August 31st, maybe drink some champagne.

Starting with a new hair colour (I'm thinking Auburn-y this year) the resolutions flow from there. So here are a few of goals for this new year. (Sidenote: I'm writing them to myself so I can look back on this in November when I will obviously be failing at all of them and feel motivated.)

1. Write
- Write everything down. Scribble down ideas and musings. Doodle in margins. Update your blog. Write short stories. Just write more as a creative outlet. (Writing this blog post is a good start.)

2. Focus on the Positive 
- Stop fixating on the negative and the things that you cannot change. They will not make you any happier.

3. De-Clutter Your Life
Alternate name to this goal: Buy less pointless crap.
- Really think about where you are spending your money and the objects you are filling your life with.   If if doesn't have a purpose- why do you have it?

September Me is ready to kick November Me's ass when/if I start slacking on these. Don't make me do it, November Me.

Change is afoot (picture)

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